Skeleton Key - Skyrim

※ Download: Skyrim keeping the skeleton key

I made a panel to hook it up to the exhaust above my stove! Keeping the key effectively renders the Lockpicking entirely obsolete, as well as most of that skill tree. Should I keep the Skeleton Key?

If you have a fim grasp of what's actually being conveyed to you throughout the quest line, the betrayal of Mercer Frey to Nocturnal and the breaking of the Trinity of the Nightingales are the reasons why the Thieves Guild has been suffering from so much misfortune, and the reason why things turnaround is because the Trinity of the Nightingales is restored and the Skeleton Key is returned to the Ebonmere. Skeleton Key The Skeleton Key is a artifact acquired after killing. Until then, you may retain the key indefinitely for your own use. Should I keep the Skeleton Key?

Keep the Skeleton Key or return it? - It was my best friend when I had it...

I kept it for quite a long while, as it basically made me able to pick any lock. Using it I got my lockpicking to 100, using trainers everytime I leveled. Once I was at 100, there were some perks I picked up that make your normal lockpicks invincible, as well as even start your lockpick location in the right spot or very close to it. Then I could finish the questline without losing a major advantage. Even if I have my lockpicking perk to the way I wanted it I still wouldn't return the skeleton key. I would rather use the chest code commend to complete the quest without giving the key to that Nocturnal crow bitch. I can see why Mecer frey did what he did. I actually agreed with him when he interpret you on how Nocturnal doesnt care about you nor the guild. I wish you have the ability to side with him rather than with that dark elf bitch Karliahand unfortunate Brynjolf. I can still appreciate the RP aspect of it by not returning the skeleton key. This also includes not pursuing the oath to Nocturnal, and using the cheat console command by completing it without going any further. Unfortunately Bethesda doesn't give us the option of saying no, which IMO is pretty ridiculous. My characters true desire is to die, and go to Sovngarde, Or maybe something better... My charterers already made 1 giant mistake... Anyhow you can still be the Guildmaster for the thieves guild, and not be a nightingale. If you have a fim grasp of what's actually being conveyed to you throughout the quest line, the betrayal of Mercer Frey to Nocturnal and the breaking of the Trinity of the Nightingales are the reasons why the Thieves Guild has been suffering from so much misfortune, and the reason why things turnaround is because the Trinity of the Nightingales is restored and the Skeleton Key is returned to the Ebonmere. If you skip these steps you get an immersion shattering result that the Thieves Guild prospers for no apparent reason at all and that there's no relationship between the good fortunes of the Thieves Guild and the patronage of Nocturnal which goes completely against the lore. And I want a pony. Like the song goes you can't always get what you want and you can't use console commands to circumvent returning the key without creating some glaring inconsistencies in what follows afterwards in the questline. As an aside, I don't recommend doing this because using console commands to skip quest stages can trigger bugs that won't manifest until later on in the game. It's one of the reasons why it's a last resort solution for dealing with bugs because one can end up trading one set of problems for another set of problems down the road in doing so.


Unless you use the console there is no way to get the Skeleton Key back. I think a good mod for this would give the following choice: Do the noble, Vanilla, thing where you go through the trials of Noctournal and return the key. I have always wished you had choice here. I only ever took the time to get it in Oblivion once, but that was enough. Here's a screenshot of the 3d model in Autodesk Inventor. If you have any questions I'll forward them to him and post his responses. I've been meaning to put together a build post for this for a while now but kept getting distracted. Using it I got my lockpicking to 100, using trainers everytime I leveled. I would rather use the chest code commend to complete the quest without giving the key to that Nocturnal crow bitch.